
Our Biology Laboratory is well equipped with required infrastructure and equipments .The lab can accommodate 40 -50 learners at a time for comfortable conduction of experiments.
To ensure the top quality and CBSE demand for practicals , our lab is operational with the best chemicals, reagents, slides, models, charts, 3D Models, specimens, microscopes, glassware etc. All learners are given an opportunity to conduct experiments individually using high resolution, good quality compound microscopes and other equipments and. Instruments like weighing balance are digital to ensure best results.
Keeping in view the well being and safety of our learners , the Laboratory is constructed with heat sensors for detecting heat and has two doors for entry and exit to ensure safer and smoother movement incase of any contingency . Experiments are always conducted under a vigilant supervision of two teachers and a Lab assistant to facilitate & guide the learners.
The Lab is also equipped with surplus charts & models to demonstrate the learners during the regular teaching learning process & has an attached store to store glass wares and other harmful reagents.