Quintessential Assemblies

Assemblies create a sense of community, they work as a unifying force and make all students feel that they are a part of the school community. The session 2016-17 began with some meaningful and vibrant assemblies. All students of classes IX to XII got an opportunity to showcase their talent. Here is a glimpse of all that unfolded on the stage in the month of April, May and July.
Assemblies on a variety of themes were conducted. The stage was set on fire with the spectacular performances by children. Some very pertinent and relevant themes such as Self Awareness and Self Esteem, Critical and Creative Thinking, Bullying, Seven Habits of Highly Successful People and Intricacies of Mind were taken up by students of the senior grades. Grade IX students enthralled the audience with their informative and stimulating presentations on Bio Mimicry, Adolescence, Power of Words and Inter- Personal Relationships. The students performed short skits, gave speeches and included mellifluous song and dance performances in their presentations. News was an essential part of all the morning assemblies. This helped in making students aware of the important and critical happenings of the world around us. Every assembly was unique in itself. The concepts conveyed by the students were thought- provoking and stirring. These assemblies not only helped in creating awareness but also helped in building confidence, oratory and theatrical skills of all learners.
Coffee With Principal
For us at Lotus Valley International, Gurgaon, nothing is more precious than our learners and their guardians who have always shown paramount faith and support to help in making this temple of learning stand firm along with the tremendous effort of our assiduous Principal Mrs. Anita Malhotra.
School provides a new environment to which a child soon gets accustomed .What is very important to note is that discipline and learning which was initially and exclusively the responsibility of the parents must now be shared between the parent and the school. As parents continue to play an important role in the life of the child it becomes necessary that they work hand in hand with the school.
A tailor made schedule that we call ‘The Lotus Valley Repertoire’ encompasses programmes like Coffee Meet which was initiated this year with the view to hold class-wise interaction between parents and the Principal on issues pertaining to academics, strategies, plans, feedbacks etc. We aim to look forward to, what we call ‘Constructive Criticism’, thereby making our system most transparent. Out of a total of 85 sections, coffee meet has been conducted with about 65 sections already, beginning from the pre-primary classes.
Face Time
Face time is yet another addition to our regular interactions with parents; it provides parents a window to peek into their wards curricular and co-curricular development, unfolding into a feedback sharing platform with the mentors. Each face time is followed by a fruitful and enriching coffee session. A healthy open dialogue and effective communication was very rewarding as the role of parents is always appreciated and valued by Lotus Valley, Gurgaon to reach its academic milestones.
All parents are presented with beautiful mementos as a token of love.
Conversing At The Crossroads
SPEAKERS: Ms SonyaAnand, Ms Mitashi, Ms Karanpreet and Ms Sumiran
Adolescence is a period filled with monumental challenges. It’s not easy to walk on the road that leads from adolescence into adulthood; the path is paved with difficulties and obstacles. Because everyone has their own unique way of perceiving, understanding and interpreting the situations, teens often feel that they are not understood but only heard, they often feel that their parents don’t act, but only react.
Keeping these concerns in mind an interactive session was conducted for the parents of Grade VIII students. The aim of the workshop was to enable, equip and empower the parents to be able to work with their kids through their issues and concerns. The focus of the workshop was to be able to bridge the gap between the parent and teen communication and also to enhance the relationship they share and make sure that the environment is nurturing for both the teens as well as the parents.
“CROSSROADS” is a platform wherein all important entities in an adolescent’s environment can come together and work towards his/her holistic development and wellbeing. It is a point, a junction where important insights take birth. The aim of this workshop was to help parents to learn how to resolve teenage concerns, their mutual differences and identify the ways of tackling challenges. This workshop was organized for parents to be able to work closely with the child and serve as the primary source to deal with teenage issues. It also aimed at strengthening parents’ ability to communicate effectively with each other and to manage conflicts in a productive manner. Counselors facilitated parents who were seeking guidance and provided an overview pertaining to the parenting skills and child’s behavior. In this workshop, parents were divided into groups, given situations and encouraged and guided to give interventions for a few situations.
Open House
Open House is a platform for mentors and parents to discuss the academic and behavioural growth of the learners and find a way forward to bridge gaps, if any. Keeping in mind the increasing strength of school, this year the school introduced two sessions for each PTM to cater to first half of the class learners in the first session and the rest in the second. This practice has been quite successful as all parents get good time to talk to various teachers at length.