The second day of LotusMUN’22-SHAPE THE NARRATIVE”, began with supreme verve and vigour to find feasible solutions for the problems at hand. The delegates drafted working papers in all the nine committees after deeply analyzing the issue of intolerance and decided to reach a joint conclusion that international order must be established on the principles and ideals of multiculturalism.The sessions got over by 3:45 pm and the delegates proceeded to the auditorium for the Valedictory ceremony.
To make the ceremony blessed one, the school choir invoked divine grace by chanting ‘Saarve Bhavantu Sukhina’ mantra when the dignitaries of the school and the Chief Guest Prof (Dr.) Jyoti Rana kindled the lamp of knowledge and wisdom.The ceremony echoed the sentiments of our beloved Director Principal, Ms. Anita Malhotra, who congratulated every delegate for their extensive research, significant effort and immense ability, and affirmed that Model United Nations is an exercise in radical empathy and it is imperative for the leaders of tomorrow to raise awareness towards issues concerning humanity. Ma’am emphasized that youth is timeless, fearless and must run past the horizons of life creating memories for a lifetime. Resonating with the sentiments of Swami Vivekanand, Arise, Awake, and Stop Not till the Goal is Reached, Ms Anita Malhotra intreated to act!
Our Chief Guest, Dr Jyoti Rana in her address endorsed the significance of hard work in accomplishing shifting paradigm in life towards its better. With her over 27 years of experience, Dr Rana shared the 3 guiding forces behind every situation in life namely, Purpose, Passion and Possibility. Ma’am requested every young adult to understand the purpose of one’s life then blend it with passion, and always see the spark of possibility in every situation, big or small! Dr Jyoti emphasized that each one has something unique to contribute to humanity and that purpose should be the beacon towards one’s success!
LOTUSMUN ‘22 was certainly an exciting scholastic activity that rewarded every participant with incomparable confidence and poise. It allowed the delegate to be a confident debater who is affirmative yet maintains the grace of a good listener. The platform permitted matchless deliberations that led to providing solutions to the existing concerns across the globe. The post Covid recovery plans urgently needed new ideals to Shape the Narrative of our international order which brings change in our approach and also re-frame our rule books to incorporate the principles of Multiculturalism.
The journey through LotusMUN’22- “SHAPE THE NARRATIVE”, metamorphosed every delegate to a promising leader, ready to take on the world. Delegates radiated confidence, pride, joy and a feeling of accomplishment. The event came to an end after two days of exhaustive deliberations; however, the journey of learning continues…….!
Heartiest congratulations to the all the WINNERS in the 2-days event in all the committees. The School Best Delegation award was bagged by Manav Rachna International School ,Gurugram, sector-46