Safety Policy

It is the policy of LVIS Day Care service to promote the health, well being and personal safety of all children and adults involved in our services, through developing and regularly reviewing accident prevention procedures and fire safety procedures.

Accident Prevention

  • A safety Statement has been prepared and reviewed on a regular basis.

  • All new staff is familiar with the Safety Statement

  • There are at least two adults on the premises at all times.

  • Children are supervised at all times.

  • Care is taken to ensure that no child can leave the LVIS day Care premises undetected.

  • Children are signed in upon their arrival and signed out on their departure so that staff knows which Children are present at any given moment.

  • Furniture and equipment are laid out to minimize safety risks

  • The suitable and age-appropriate objects are available to children.

  • All unsuitable materials are kept out of children’s’ reach and in a locked unit where appropriate.

Accident or Incident Procedures

  • First Aid Box is always fully equipped, easily identifiable and in a location which is known to all adults. Emergency telephone numbers are available to all staff – posted next to all telephones.

  • Minor accidents will be treated in the LVIS Day care premises and parents/careers will be advised of the injury and the action taken when the child is collected.

  • All accidents are recorded in the Accident Book.

Admissions Policy

It is the policy of our LVIS Day Care service to offer equal access to all children from the community including children with a disability or special requirements and irrespective of their culture, religion, membership of ethnic group or minority or family background.

Admissions Procedure

  • Each child must be at least 2.5 years old when formally enrolled at the service.

  • Parents seeking to secure a place for their child must complete and enrolment / registration form.

  • A completed enrolment / registration form must be lodged with the service prior to the child attending the service.

  • Children will be admitted on a “first come first serve” basis, following submission of the enrolment form.

If there are no remaining places in the appropriate age group, a waiting list will be drawn up.

Child Collection Procedure

  • Children may only be collected by persons named on the registration form.

  • Parents/career must notify the staff in person or in writing if another person is to collect the child. If this person is not known to staff members, they will be asked for identification.

  • Children must be collected on time.

  • Parents are requested to park in the designated drop-off and pick-up areas and not to park in a manner which would obstruct traffic.

Complaints / Comments Policy

It is the policy of this service to encourage and welcome complaints/comments made my any person involved with our service and to act on these complaints to the best of our ability and in an efficient, competent and timely manner.

Complaints / Comments Procedure

  • All persons involved in our service are encouraged to comment on or make complaints regarding our service, both positive and negative.

  • A register of complaints is maintained.

  • Once a complaint is registered the LVIS Principal / Head Day Care is immediately informed and appropriate action taken.

Cleaning procedures

  • All toilets, surrounding walls, hold rails, door handles and sinks are cleaned and disinfected at the end of every day

  • Floors, tables and equipment, are cleaned, disinfected and checked for breakage at the end of every day or when necessary

  • Water tray and play sinks empty and clean when not in use

  • All left over food is disposed of properly

Confidentiality Policy

It is the policy of LVIS Day care service to respect the privacy of all persons involved with this service by ensuring confidentiality.

Confidentiality Procedure

  • We do not discuss details of any child or family outside the service without written permission from the parent/guardian.

  • Confidential information is shared only with staff members who need the information to effectively perform their job.

  • All files are kept in a locked unit. Only the Head LVIS day care has access to this unit.

  • All staff is informed of the confidentiality policy during their induction period.

  • Parents are informed of the confidentiality policy before their child is enrolled in the service.

Hygiene Policy

The service is committed to promoting a healthy environment and a high standard of personal hygiene for adults and children.

Hygiene Procedures

  • All new staff and students are informed of the hygiene procedures as part of their induction program.

  • Hand washing – after using the toilet, after outdoor play, before and after handling food.

  • Cuts and sores must be covered with suitable dressings.


  • A balanced diet is provided with fresh nutritious food

  • Sweets crisps chewing gum and sodas are discouraged

  • Special dietary needs of children are met

  • Children of all ages mix during mealtimes to encourage social interaction and behavior modeling

  • Adults sit with children at meal times to encourage good eating habits, stimulate conversation and enhance the quality of the interaction

  • Menus are varied and are sent to you monthly

Sample Day Care Meal Menu

Day Lunch Menu Lunch Menu Lunch Menu
Monday Kathi Roll Stuff Parantha Manchurian
Tuesday Honey Chilly Potatoes Veg Upma Veg Sandwich
Wednesday Minni Pizza Garlic Bread Cheese Balls
Thursday Cutlet Bread Butter Jam Mini Samosa
Friday Idli French Fries Chocos & Milk
Note : Milk is served with Bournvita everyday along with Evening Snack

Monthly Planner Policy

The service is committed to developing a curriculum which creates a child-centered, play-based environment which empowers young children to actively pursue their own learning.

This process is facilitated by adults, who provide appropriate, timely, balanced intervention, as well as support, continuity and progression. They will encourage positive attitudes towards and a love of learning.

The service recognizes that the establishment of daily routines is essential for all young children in our care. We strive to provide a program of activities which encourage the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and creative and language development of the children who attend the service.

All activities will be age-appropriate and will be modified to meet the needs and abilities of the individual child. It will encourage children to think for themselves and will encourage a responsible attitude toward each other and our environment.

Staff has regular meetings to plan and review activities within each area of our facility and to consider the needs of individual children.

Settling In Policy

It is the policy of this service that every effort is made to ensure that the settling in period is as easy and pleasant as possible for the children and their parents.

Settling in procedures

  • On the child’s first day, or during a visit, the staff will –

  • Welcome the child

  • Introduce themselves to the child

  • Introduce 1 or 2 special friends to show them around, and help look after them during their

  • Provide a named locker

  • Spend welcoming and settling time with the child

  • On the first day or during the first few days the parent/guardian is encouraged to stay until the child feels comfortable in their new surroundings

  • There is no set time limit on the settling in period

  • LVIS day Care member will give parents a daily account of the child’s progress during the settling in period.

Toys from home Policy

It is natural that children will wish to carry familiar toys with them and to show friends things which are precious to them. It has been our experience however, that bringing toys from home often creates difficult situations in the child care setting. Children have difficulty sharing a special toy but they have an equally difficult time choosing to put it away instead. Other children feel terrible when someone else has a special toy and they don't.

Therefore, we request that the children not bring toys to the Centre but rather, wait for the opportunity for sharing their own things during times when friends visit at home. Perhaps your child can leave their special toy in the car to wait for them at the end of the day (?). Items used for transitions and security, such as a blanket or a favorite stuffed animal will be allowed.

We appreciate your help and understanding. We realize how difficult it can be to get out of the house and realize you may need our help in the enforcement of this policy, and we are happy to help.

Sleep and rest Policy

To provide all children the opportunity for comfortable rest & relaxation

Sleep and rest Procedure

  • Staff needs to gather information regarding individual children’s needs and routines to promote continuity in care.

  • Staff ensures children are dressed for comfort at rest times, relevant to their age. This means that shoes, and heavy or thick clothing, will be removed

  • There is a place available for children to rest at any time of day.

  • Staff needs to provide quiet experiences for those children who do not want to rest.

Activity programs

We are following Monthly Planners made by Lotus Valley’s Day Care Team.

  • Circle Time

  • Free Play Books, Jigsaws, Puzzles Games Etc.

  • Dance

  • Audio & Visual

  • Computer

  • Splash Pool (For Younger Kids)

  • Art & Craft

  • Theatre

  • Skating

  • Story Telling