National Technology Day
“We are changing the world with technology”- Bill Gates
World without technology is Impossible, isn’t it? Technology has become an integral part of our lives, benefiting us in a variety of ways. Technology has made our lives easier and enjoyable with just a click of a button. At Lotus Valley International School, we believe that technology advances every year and it never stops evolving and what we consider as advancement today will certainly be superseded tomorrow.
Every year on May 11th we celebrate the National Technology Day to commemorate the achievements of Stalwarts who have contributed in the field of Science and Technology. With an aim to foster an interest in science and encourage them to pursue it further, the learners of Primary wing celebrated the day with excitement where our little learners played the role of scientists. The learners of Grade 1 discussed the modifications made in the field of medical sciences and learnt about its advancements over the years through PowerPoint presentation. They pretended to be Medical Technologist for the Super Med Tech activity where they examined an X-ray report before creating their own hand x-rays. The learners of Grade 2 participated in an extempore titled, ‘A Day without Technology’ where they presented their thoughts on how different and difficult our lives would be without technology. The activity provided them with excellent opportunities to create ideas with precision whereas, the learners of Grade 3 took part in an activity, ‘Technology to Rescue’ and presented their dream gadgets and explained their key features.
It was a fulfilling day wherein learners across grades understood the importance of technology in building a better World.