“The earth is what we all have in common” - Wendell Berry
April 22, celebrated as Earth Day was initiated to inspire all to rejoice and cherish the beautiful planet and to awaken the people on how they can be an asset in saving the Earth from pollution, global warming, water scarcity and other several concerns. We have always believed in grooming the learners to become alert citizens who can contribute positively in safeguarding and protecting this planet by instilling the belief that each one of them can become ‘Guardian of the Globe’. This year the theme of Earth Day is 'Invest in Our Planet'.
The day began with a message from our Director-Principal, Ms. Anita Malhotra’s , wherein she enlightened the learners about the significance of celebrating Earth Day, its history and its relevance. The celebrations for the Pre-Primary learners began with a mesmerizing nature walk for Grade Pre-Nursery, that taught them the value of each being, and inspired them to re-cycle and craft amazing bird feeders. Enactment by teachers for preserving earth further enhanced the understanding of this special day. ‘Planet Blue – for me and you’ activity made the little enthusiasts of Grade Nursery aware of how much a small contribution can also bring a change and motivated them to create their own blue planet with tearing and pasting. ‘Earth Day Scavenger Hunt’ activity enabled the Grade Prep learners to learn while they observe and turn the observation into illustrations of the flora around.
Power point presentation followed by a thoughtful discussion, while touching upon terms like tree plantation reminded learners of Grade I to make significant contributions as conscious citizens. They also crafted a ‘Bird Feeder’ using waste materials, hung their beautiful creations on the trees in school greens and further took an oath to always take care of plants around them.
Grade II learners delightfully created ‘Earth’s Storyboard’, depicting facts about mother earth under the headers ‘Who am I’, ‘Why am I special’, ‘What is troubling me’ and ‘How can you help me?’ The activity helped them in reflecting upon their deeds and captured the essence of their thought process towards preserving natural resources and saving planet -Earth.
A pledge to preserve this precious planet and captivating discussions on ways to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide through the activity ‘How can I reduce my carbon footprint’ by Grade III learners invoked the much-needed integrity and earnestness to this burning issue. ‘A little effort will go a long way on everyone’s end’ should be the guiding principle for each one of us to save, preserve, worship and care for our Planet- earth.