In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, coupled with the prolonged lockdown, the lifestyle which we have been familiar with, has become a distant memory. Amidst these challenging times, Lotus Valley International School, Gurugram, resolved to organise the 10th edition of LotusMUN: LotusMUN ‘21- ‘Redefining the Norm’ on 24th and 25th July 2021 over Zoom.
The conference brought together more than 300 delegates from 15 schools across Delhi-NCR region, comprising of 9 Committees, namely; 1. United Nations General Assembly Agenda, 2. United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Agenda, 3. United Nations Security Council Agenda, 4. Union of European Football Association Agenda, 5. Lok Sabha Agenda, 6. Indian War Cabinet Agenda, 7. International Organisation of Securities Commissions Agenda, 8. European Commission on Ethical Journalism and Reporting Agenda; 9. International Press, with an objective to comprehensively analyse details of the problems concerning the international community, and to respond impressively by suggesting pragmatic solutions.
The grand conference officially opened with a heartwarming welcome address by the Director-Principal, Ms. Anita Malhotra. In her message, ma’am encouraged learners to have the determination and passion to create a global-thinking society, and to revolutionise the world with their bold, pragmatic and forward-looking ideas.
Our beloved and most revered school patron, Dr. Shayama Chona, congratulated Lotus Valley for this initiative and called on the students to be the change makers of tomorrow by collectively working towards a sustainable and an equitable society. Dr. Chona applauded the vision of our dynamic Principal with whose guidance the school has grown leaps and bounds keeping the aesthetics and core values kindled in every child who resolves to become the torchbearer of tomorrow.
The special guest of the day, Mr. Shehzad Poonawala, in his message inspired learners to adopt global thinking in terms of social, intellectual and psychological perspectives. He urged the leaders of tomorrow to be discerning and being mindful of the choices they make. Every action of theirs should most productively contribute in the progress of the nation, and in making our country’s presence most prominently felt on the global platform.
MUN is an interactive educational stage in which students simulate the workings of the many organisations, agencies and affiliated bodies of the United Nations.
Day 1 at LotusMUN ‘21 provided opportunities for the students to replicate the workings of the UN. Delegates looked at the problems faced by the international community from the perspective of a world leader and offered probable resolutions. The quality and tone of the debates was, at times, dramatically different from the "real" UN. Representatives at the UN, along with the consular staff, spend months preparing, caucusing behind the scenes, and interacting with other nations before an issue is brought to a vote. In this simulation too, the delegates negotiated with each other, made use of tactful diplomacy, got into heated debates, and deliberated about the prospective solutions, not deviating from the procedures of a General MUN conference.
The Day-1 was a stupendous success and our team is looking forward to the continuation of fierce yet constructive debates. We are excited to see the groundbreaking resolutions that the different committees propose on the final day of this mega event!