Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much……
A true partnership between parents and teachers is one of the most essential element for the holistic growth of a child. Lotus Valley International School, always steps up in organizing such learning collaborations. Taking this thought forward, an interactive workshop, ‘Stepping Stones’ was conducted for the parents of Grades Pre-nursery and Nursery, focusing on the innovative pedagogies adapted by the school for an effective learning environment. Parents felt nostalgic when they placed themselves in the shoes of our young learners and enthusiastically participated in the planned activities. Our school not only focuses on academics but also inculcates life skills, moral values and integrity in our children. Parents were avidly involved in fun-filled games which centered around numerous concepts and topics to be covered over the academic year. They were also introduced to the concept of integrated learning, co-curricular activities and countless experiments which play an important part in the comprehensive development of our learners. The workshop concluded with a question-answer session which was aptly taken up by Ms. Ritu Jawa, Headmistress, Primary Wing. It was heartening to see parents participate actively in collaborating with mentors to ensure that children reach their full potential while making learning joyful and fulfilling.